ERASMUS+ Galleria
Mobility di Maia
The Istituto Statale Istruzione Superiore Enrico De Nicola, as a partner of the project ERASMUS + European Project "KANKAMA DANISAYM – LET ME CONSULT TO MY FRIEND" ,took part in the mobility C5 inMaia, Porto,Portugal, with eight students and three teachers from our institute to participate to the activities of this international mobility where the aim was to plan to solve with peer counseling the peer bullying.Students from eachcountry participated in the activity, where theyfound a solution to peer bullying using the peercounseling method.. The peer counselors directed to courses in one of the fields ofmusic, sports, literature, science and drama within the scope of social, cultural and sportive activities,and enabled them to socialize, develop their self-confidence, gain the ability to solve problemsand cope with difficulties, and to make decisions. All activities areshared on the school websiteand social media accounts of the project.
The meeting took place from 19 to 23 September 2022, hosted by MOREIRA DA MAIA/PORTUGAL-AGRUPAMENTO ESCOLAS DR.VIEIRA CARVALHO
Tokat Turchia Video
The Istituto Statale Istruzione Superiore Enrico De Nicola, as a partner of the project
FRIEND" ,took part in the mobility C4 in Tokat ,Turkey, with two students and one
teacher from our institute to participate to the activities of this international mobility where
the aim was to determined a 20-hour Peer Counseling Course in the training of peer
counselors which would include basic helping skills (active resting, asking questions,
reflecting emotion and content, communication skills, etc.) and the application of these
skills. The peer counselors directed to courses in one of the fields of music, sports,
literature, science and drama within the scope of social, cultural and sportive activities, and
enabled them to socialize, develop their self-confidence, gain the ability to solve problems
and cope with difficulties, and to make decisions. All activities are shared on the school
website and social media accounts of the project.
The meeting took place from 19 to 23 September 2022, hosted by Tokat