Erasmus + ”This Is My Europe”
Programma Erasmus +
Azione Call 2020 KA2 – 2020-1-NO01-KA229-076439_4
”This Is My Europe”
Partner Europei Coinvolti: - Norvegia (Capofila) – Austria – Germania – Francia – Romania
Visita il sito di presentazione del nostro progetto ”This Is My Europe”:
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First meeting in Langon - France Our first meeting with students and teachers took place in November 2021 in Langon, France. 4 students and 2 teachers from every partner worked togehter for a week with the focus on the Environment and what is being done for the future in every partner country and in the EU. Pictures, presentations and videoes are shared under the heading "Project activies" and "Environment" Clicca qui sotto per vedere il video!!!!!! |
Second meeting in Sandnes - Norway Our second meeting with students and teachers took place in March - April 2022 in Sandnes, Norway. 4 students and 2 teachers from every partner worked togehter for a week with the focus on how our European heritage is built on contact and migration resulting in our culture and art evolving with the influence of local traditions and input from other places. Clicca qui sotto per vedere il video!!!!!! |
Third meeting in Napoli - Italy All the partners met with students and teachers during the second week of May in Napoli, Italy. This week's theme was migration and tradition, where the object was to research how one of the oldest cities with continuous urbanisation has been influenced by different people and dominions. All from the Greek more than 2500 years ago to the modern-day Napoli. Through presentations, research and excursions in the old quarter of the town the students who worked in mixed groups studied and took photos for the final presentations on the last day. Furthermore, the partners presented what history of migration and minorities their countries have, and to what extent they are integrated and influencing their country. A short introduction to the history of NapoliProf. ssa M. Volini introduced students and teachers to Napoli with a short introduction with both a Kahoot and the presentation "Naples, a microcosm of European history" (on the left) before the students were divided into groups and given the task of searching for information both on the internet and during the excursions in Napoli during the week. See the presentations on this link: |